Abhishek Sengupta

Entrepreneur | Author | Podcaster

Social Media Marketing : Where Data Speaks

Social Media Marketing : Where Data Speaks

Courtesy : Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

I am presenting here few interesting data, which will help one to understand the trend of digital world and its movement. Analysis of these data provide some interesting insight. These insights help us to check the ongoing trend and preferences of business houses.

 Increase in social media ad spending

As per a date complied by emarketer.com social media ad spending grew by 20% to 43 billion USD in 2020.

This data reveals a paradigm shift from traditional media to social media. 20% growth is great number to celebrate. This number makes a trend. This paradigm shift can be a great subject of study for business houses. These can help a business house to re-strategize their marketing plan and reorganize their marketing budget.

Sticking to old plan and stuff will lead a business house to lagging stage. This stage will reduce the reach of their corporate voice. This can become dangerous in long run and real message of the business house will not be heard by majority. The above date gives a lot of info. The shift is quite rapid and swift. This change is a clear-cut indicator of the shift of preference of marketing ways.

Trend of 2021 which is predicted also quite ambitious and encouraging.

Reach Of Advertisements

As per a data by Statisca, more people are seeing ads. This is due to rise of video content and story format ads, which generally do well with attracting viewer and engagement. As per data by Digital 2020, 928.5 million people can be reached by Instagram ads. Out of which 655.8 million users are between 13-34 years of age

As per data by emarketer.com 31% of Instagram ad budgets go to stories. And 96% of US marketers plan to continue using Stories ads in the future.

This data gives a real insight about the enormous reach of digital ads (Instagram ads over here). If we ignore the name of platform, then also the numbers are quite encouraging. Reach of ad is what a business house or a content creator look for. These figures are encouraging.

Another advantage of social media ad is it can generate a pinpoint analysis of the reach. That means this gives a great idea about the performance of the ad. Analysis of these data revel some of the interesting trends. These trends are well studied by various business houses. Based on which the marketing and other related strategies are formulated. These also acts an information tool on long run.  Apart of generic data, over a period of time, these can help to detect the deflection of trend from a standpoint. This will denote the change of preference of end users over a period.

Call to action & materialization

According to Hootsuite’s Digital 2020 report, Instagram showed this lift between Q3 and Q4 2019. 92% of Instagram users say they’ve followed a brand, clicked on their website, or made a purchase after seeing a product/service on the platform. In other words, almost every single person on Instagram is interested in checking out new brands that appeal to them. Meanwhile, 84% of Instagram users say they’re open to discovering small/local brands, or new brands and products.

As the engagement is high and multiple call to action (Like click, message, inquire etc) options are available in digital media, these lead to direct and silent access to product. Such access now a days has good rate of materialization. At the same time, it is important to create right materialization funnel for any social media ads. Right and quick diversion to the product is the key here.


Various options of being effective:

As per another date by emarketer.com , Instagram post, Instagram stories and Youtube Videos are found to most effective for influencer marketing.

This is an interesting study. Instagram leads all platform in reach and influence. Various options of Instagram if combined, take huge part of the pie. The reach of Instagram is of course tremendous. Apart from that YouTube too take a good portion of the pie. Blogs, Facebook and Twitter offer the net level of engagement and reach.  Twich live stream too take up 5%. Influencer marketing strategies too vary based on these data.

Another interesting trend to note from above data is the type of content preferred. Videos are most popular and most influencing content amongst all. At the same time, videos are most expensive Instagram influencer format for brands followed by feed / posts and stories. This basically because videos require more skill and expertise.


Ever trend of social media is interesting. Be it for business or be it for general content making. Trend of social media must be well studied first. At the same time, remember, trends are ever changing and fast changing.