Abhishek Sengupta

Entrepreneur | Author | Podcaster

Policy Changes Post COVID19

COVID19 has changed the outlook of the whole world. Every aspect of economy has undergone a change. Major turns are expected in the policy making of the government. It is expected that the massive amount of Government level policy changes will be there. There are many speculations of change are coming across. Some of need will be of high impact and others will be of low impact.

Some of the probable changes I have noted as below:

  1. Stress on Local industries: With globalisation got a hit due to outbreak of COVID19, indigenous industries will form a part of policymaking of various countries. Countries with abundant resources will go for this. However, countries which lack adequate resources need to make their policies accordingly and go for strategic storages. In general, every country will now look for indigenous industries to empower the economy.
  2. Stress on health sector: Health sector will get a boost with this incident. There may be a start of a healthcare revolution. This will be led to good allocation of budget for mass immunization, infection control, mass check of health. This will be a sort of mega project worldwide.
  3. Intelligence with difference:  Till now intelligence used to be only for war or other forms of warfare. Now, the intelligence will start on health grounds as well. This is a new way the intelligence will be on.
  1. Penalisation of health negligence: Most of the countries will start taking health and safety guidelines to stricter level. Violators will attract a huge penalty. This will lead to next level of penal code formation across the globe.
  2. Modified country’s entry and exit activities: Visa application and immigration processes will be different. One can expect stricter rules in this regard.
  3. Foreign Workforce: Every country will prefer to employ their own citizens first. This will led to reduction of work visa for foreign nationals. This gap of manpower will be filled by citizens of that country.  Also, stricter norms for work visa can be expected.
  4. Foreign takeover of companies: Takeover of companies by foreign players will witness a change. All countries will look forward protecting their domestic companies. So, stringent laws are expected on this matter.  

Like these, many policy level changes are expected.