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Entrepreneur | Author | Podcaster
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As year 2023 has arrived, one must finalize the reading list. Reading is an important part of learning. This helps to gain knowledge and get updated with ever changing trends. This gives a lot of opportunities for the improvement.
1. The Secret Society of Success – By Tim Schurrer: Tim Schurrer, author, discusses how most people have what’s known as The Spotlight Mindset, in which they only seek money, fame, and glory. The world’s definition of success is self-centered. The Secret Society of Success will guide you through the process of developing your own definition of success and living it fully. You will read powerful stories and examples from people in the spotlight as well as those you have never heard of. You will discover that the success you seek is within your grasp, no matter where you are or what role you play. This book will teach you how to be truly successful.
2. The First Minute – By Chris Fenning: Grab their attention and get to the point. Learn the most basic method for improving your business communication skills. There is no fluff or ambiguous advice here, just practical step-by-step methods you can start using right away. This multi-award-winning book teaches specific techniques for professional business conversations, emails, meetings, and interviews, among other things. This award-winning book provides a step-by-step guide to communicating clearly and concisely in everyday work conversations.
3. Getting Undressed From Paralysis to Purpose – By David Cooks: David Cooks, a 15-year-old high school sophomore and basketball player, suffered a spinal aneurism that rendered him a T-6 paraplegic. Refusing to let his wheelchair define him, he made the decision to persevere from the start—and he never lost his love for the game. David describes his journey to independence and purpose in Getting Undressed, and how “getting undressed” for change can present enormous challenges, both literally and metaphorically. A story about motivation and inspiration. On and off the court, David shares his struggles and successes with honesty, perseverance, and faith.
4. Shipping Clark to CEO By Ted Clark: This book explains that the formula for achieving professional success is not always what you’ve been told. While some reach the CEO level of major corporations after tens of years of college education and a few years of work, others work their way up through the ranks. This describes Ted Clark’s journey — from the bottom of the ladder to the top — his secrets, his insight, and his drive.
5. Guide To Wealth – By David Pedra Costa: This book aims to guide you through all relevant financial decisions in your life, regardless of your background. We recognise that financial literacy is a challenge for many people and that it is not an innate ability of successful people, but rather something that must be learned and practised. You’ll be able to navigate difficult decisions with this book in hand. Renting vs. buying a home, debt management, variable vs. fixed interest rates, and so on.
The five books listed above are true treasure troves of knowledge that traditional schooling does not teach us. This can help us navigate our way through.
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