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Entrepreneur | Author | Podcaster
Pic Courtesy : Unsplash
Learning is a continuous process. This makes a person. Learning is the preceding stage of earning. So continuous learning is the key for growth in life. This is one of the indispensable steps. At the start of the year it is important to select and prepare the reading list. This need to be one of the first job of the year. If you have not made that, here I am suggesting few books of my choice.
1. Stop Worrying And Start Living – By Dale Carnegie:
The year 2020 was full of worry and anxiety. Pandemic has really taken a toll on everyone. Everyone had health related worries, work related worries, family related worries, money related worries etc. This book is perfect to counter them with proven tactics. Dale Carnegie had presented this with many real-time stories. This book is very much useful for people of all walks of life. Lessons in this book are some of the finest mental exercise.
2. The $100 Startup – By Chris Guillebeau
If you looking forward to do something new, then this is the book for you. Year 2020 left many people jobless at home. Most of them are thinking of stating their own venture. If you are one of them, then this book is for you. This book mostly focusses of starting a new business. This book focuses on creativity and ways to achieve that. Thisi has got stepwise guide how many people made their dreams and likes to profit. Even solopreneurs can reap benefit from this. This book has the fine and time tested advice which people need to follow for make something new.
3. The Lean Startup – By Eric Ries
This is one of the finest book for aspiring startups. Startup always has a lot of risk. This book contains some of the finest lessons which a person can adopt to take startup journey further. Al lot of writings are there for managing uncertainties and taking the startup journey further. This also focuses on capital efficiency and human creativity. Two of the finest but bit complicated business terminologies – vanity metrics and validated learning – are well explained here.
4. Influence Negotiate & Win – By Abhishek Datta
Every walk of life require negotiation. Negotiation is not only limited to business deals or shopping deals. Negotiation can help one to take lead and grow as well. This can help in situations like dealing with angry customers, bargaining best price while shopping, dealing with gatekeepers, asking boss for a raise, putting your children to sleep etc. The aura of negotiation is everywhere. This is book of great value to deal with critical situations of life.
5. The 4 Hour Workweek – By Tim Ferries
This is masterpiece. This book says there is no need to wait for dreams and wishes. This book signifies dreams getting caught in rat race. This offers stepwise guide for a quality lifestyle. This insists one to focus on important and productive work. Such work gets lost in ocean of unproductive works. This prioritizing. This helps to focus on things which really need attention and gives us rewards. Activity trap is a very negative trap which skips prioritization. This also includes case studies. Many new concepts like virtual assistance, outsourcing, mini-retirements etc are well explained here
The learning is part and parcel of life. Avoiding this, invites tragedies due to ignorance.
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