Entrepreneur | Author | Podcaster
Entrepreneur | Author | Podcaster
Entrepreneurship is an amazing journey. This has capacity to revolutionize the world. All great products in this world are the results of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship need to be very well planned and actioned
Certain rules make this journey look good. I am noting here set of six rules which can make the journey great.
1 Smart & hard work:
One need to put efforts in hard and smart work. This paves the way for success. Smart work along with hard work is required for this. The work must be properly organized and well executed. Prioritization of work also need to be done. Usage of right technology makes the job easy and efficient. Marketing & operational aspects of work too must be well planned. Parameters of the execution of work varies from industry to industry. So, work need to be properly organized.
2 Being on time:
Punctuality is a great quality. This creates an opinion of professionalism. This makes the way to secure more business deals. No one want to deal with a person who always turns up late and is unprofessional. This virtue is a boon for all. Best part of this is, it comes without any investment.
3 Regular team meeting:
Team is an important criterion of entrepreneurship. Human resource is the biggest resource. This resource can make wonders. Work of an organization is actually executed by this resource. Regular interaction with this resource is important. This facilitates the flow of information. Also, any difficulty faced by the team can be addressed. This boosts the morale of the team. At times, some of the finest business ideas come from the team only.
4 Strong mission and vision:
Mission & vision of the company are the guiding lamps. These must be well drafted after proper brainstorming. They must be in line with the operation of the company. Goal and motive of the organization must be well defined. A slight human and sentimental touch are recommended as well. Mission & vision must be shared with entire team. This should be well regularly nurtured.
5 Regular learning:
World is changing every moment. Regular learning is indispensable to cope with this. Learning should be there not only for entrepreneur but for his entire team. Leaning also develops new ideas for business. Many successful people have this habit in them. Rather, in other words, this habit made them successful.
6 Right customers dealing:
Customer is the king. Customer pays the money to keep the company moving. Utmost care should be taken in this. Customer’s choice and preference should be well studied. Feedback must be taken on regular basis. Incase of any complaint, that should be immediately handled. Right customer dealing policy must be made.
I have time and again said, entrepreneurship is an amazing journey. It is full of challenges. Right way to going through can it interesting.
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